unique clicks
Are clicks reported on the dashboard unique clicks?
How to integrate api to make my website shorten url
i want to make an app to shorten the long url into short i wonder how i can connect that to my frontend
Rebrandly links changed by Twitter (X)
When I send a tweet (on X) containing a Rebrandly link to a destination URL, it appears that X replaces the Rebrandly link with their own short URL which points directly to my destination URL, avoiding Rebrandly. Consequently, I can't count how many clicks I get. Is there a way around this?
Get all hits from a workspace / tags on a given period of time
Number of links-classic exceeded
I am getting the following error:
{'message': 'Number of links-classic exceeded', 'code': 'LimitExceeded', 'source': 'links-classic', 'limit': {'name': 'links-classic', 'used': 25, 'max': 25}}
Add Expiration Date to Short URLs
Is it possible to add an expiration date to a Short URL and or is it possible to add this date via API call? Thank you!
Some countries's user can't open rebrandly link
Some of our customers said
Unique clicks
How does rebrandly recognize unique user clicks? What factors does it consider when determining whether a click is the first one or not?
Server side Conversion tracking?
How can you send conversions via server side or postback to rebrandly?
Using a platform like anytrack?
Report "In Progress"
Hello, I am downloading a Custom report from the Extended Workspace with api calls.