Get a stream of click events that enables real-time processing of traffic on branded links
Click events
As soon as HTTP redirects over your branded links are processed, click event representations are produced.
Data flow includes several synchronous and asynchronous steps including (but not limited to):
- enhancing tracking info
- applying data quality checks to identify threats and malicious patterns
- processing metrics at different levels (links, domains, workspaces, etc)
- persisting data
- notifying internal and/or customer-specific systems
Composition of click events
Click events are produced including routing data:
- which branded link produced the click event, along with related info such as the branded link's destination URL and its creation timestamp.
- which query parameters were specified on the branded link at the time of redirection
- which branded domain was used to create the branded link
- which workspace the branded link was created in
- which specific workspace member (teammate) created the branded link
- which tags and scripts were associated with the branded link at the time of redirection
- which is the referrer declared for this specific click
as well as tracking data:
- which location* the click event originated from, inclusive of country, region, city and latitude/longitude pair
- what is the main language configured for the device/agent which navigated the branded link
- whether the click event is likely produced by a human or by a bot/crawler automatically
- which category the referrer domain falls in (e.g. if it is a social network, which social network, etc)
- which device the click likely originated from
- which browser the click likely originated from
- which operating system the click likely originated from
- whether this click can be associated or not with a pre-existing session from the same individual*
*: Location is detected using the source IP address at redirection time. Since source IP address is a personally-identifiable data, the system is committed to throwing away the IP immediately after processing (not stored anywhere) and to using a short-lived, one-way IP hash to support uniqueness check for click traffic.
Webhooks and AWS integrations
Rebrandly now supports two Clickstream integrations:
- Clickstream for Webhooks. Rebrandly officially support pure HTTP Webhooks. To enable integration patterns which include accessing the click data in real-time, several options can be agreed upon with the final customer.
Double-check our Webhook HTTP Clickstream Integration, where data is provided in batches of JSON-represented click events. - Clickstream for AWS.
Check our AWS S3 Clickstream Integration page.
Updated 5 months ago