HTTP responses
The API uses HTTP responses to indicate success or error.
HTTP status | Why |
200 OK | - Successful operations |
400 Bad Request | - Invalid JSON request |
401 Unauthorized | - Account does not have permission to perform the operation. - OAuth token is missing or invalid/expired. |
403 Forbidden | - Invalid input format - Missing body - Limits threshold reached |
404 Not Found | - Resource not found - Endpoint not found |
406 Not Acceptable | - No content-type specified - Content-Type not accepted |
429 Too Many Requests | - Rate limit exceeded |
500 Server Error | - Internal API error |
502 Bad Gateway | - Failure in our upstream providers |
503 Service Unavailable | - API is experiencing a downtime - API is under maintenance |
504 Gateway Timeout | - Timeout on operation |
Updated 10 months ago