Rebrand your first link
How to rebrand your first link with API
You have already created a Rebrandly account
If you have not, please read the Signup to Rebrandly guide. -
You already have an API KEY to authenticate your API requests
If you don't know how to authenticate your API requests, please read the Authentication guide documentation -
You understood what a branded short link is and how it is represented as an API
If you have not, please read Branded short link model -
You understood what a branded domain is and how it is related to a branded short link
If you have not, please read Branded domain model
Creating a new branded short link
In order to create a new Link entity, you should first decide what content to rebrand and how you want the final branded short link to look like.
Quick example of rebranding a link with the '' default domain: every account can use the '' default.
Let's say we want to shorten to become
Well, the domain id of is 8f104cc5b6ee4a4ba7897b06ac2ddcfb
, but since is the default domain for every Rebrandly account, we can choose to not specify the domain while creating a new link. This is up to the user.
Where do I get that branded domain "id"?
Every time you add a new branded domain in Rebrandly, it is associated with a unique identifier. If you want to create a link with your own custom branded domain, instead of the default domain, you should list your domains in order to get each domain's id.
Correspondent Link object is:
"title": "How to burn 10M",
"slashtag": "burn10M",
"destination": "",
"domain": {
"id": "8f104cc5b6ee4a4ba7897b06ac2ddcfb"
Test with a different slashtag!
NOTE: for your personal tests, you should choose another
, because the one used for this demo is already used.
Now we have to send our Link entity to Rebrandly API.
The endpoint to do this is /links
(see how to create a new link).
An HTTP POST request to
will create the link:
curl \
-H 'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '
"title":"How to burn 10M",
"domain": {
}' \
Or, without the domain part (because the domain is, the default domain):
-H 'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d \
"title":"How to burn 10M",
}' \
If everything works properly, you will get back the Link entity you just created:
"id": "ffs24cc5b6ee4a5gh7897b06ac2d16d4",
"title": "The LaFerrari Supercar Convertible Is the New Best Way to Burn $1M | WIRED",
"slashtag": "burn10M",
"destination": "",
"createdAt": "2016-07-13T10:54:12.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-07-13T10:54:12.000Z",
"shortUrl": "",
"domain": {
"id": "8f104cc5b6ee4a4ba7897b06ac2ddcfb",
"ref": "/domains/8f104cc5b6ee4a4ba7897b06ac2ddcfb",
"fullName": ""
Testing your branded short link
Just click on to test it: you should be redirected to the destination url within milliseconds.
Weird, right?
Updated 7 months ago