Branded short links

Branded short links are the main Rebrandly resource.
You can create, update and delete your collection of branded short links.
Links can be viewed individually or as a list.

Example Link Object
    "id": "ffs24cc5b6ee4a5gh7897b06ac2d16d4",
    "title": "The LaFerrari Supercar Convertible Is the New Best Way to Burn $1M | WIRED",
    "slashtag": "burn10M",
    "destination": "",
    "shortUrl": "",
    "domain": {
      "id": "8f104cc5b6ee4a4ba7897b06ac2ddcfb",
      "fullName": ""
    "createdAt": "2016-07-13T10:54:12.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2016-07-13T10:54:12.000Z",
    "clicks": 42,
    "lastClickAt": "2016-07-13T10:55:13.000Z",
    "favourite": false

Link Object

Main properties of a Link object are:

idstringUnique identifier associated with the branded short link
titlestringA title you assign to the branded short link in order to remember what's behind it
slashtagstringThe keyword section of your branded short link
destinationstringThe destination URL you want your branded short link to point to
shortUrlstringThe full branded short link URL, including domain
domainDomain Reference objectA reference to the branded domain's resource of a branded short link
createdAttimestampThe UTC date/time this branded short link was created
updatedAttimestampThe last UTC date/time this branded short link was updated.
When created, it matches createdAt

Other properties that also appear in a Link object are:

clicksintegerHow many clicks there are on this branded short link so far
lastClickAttimestampThe UTC date/time this branded short link was last clicked on
favouritebooleanWhether a link is favourited (loved) or not
forwardParametersbooleanWhether query parameters in short URL will be forwarded to destination URL.
E.g. with forwardParameters=true will redirect to, otherwise will redirect to (without query parameters)

Additional info

Every branded short link is created using a Branded Domain.
As long as a branded domain exists in your Rebrandly account and is correctly configured, all branded short links created with that domain will be active and working.

Each branded link is associated with a QR code image representing it. To download a PNG version of the QR code, just add .qr to an existing branded short link (e.g, is the QR code for

Deprecated properties



We will continue to render deprecated Link properties for backward compatibility in v1

Deprecated properties you can find in a Link object are:

linkIdstringUnique identifier associated with the branded short linkNow using id property
domainIdstringUnique identifier of the branded domain of the linkNow using a Domain Reference
lastClickDatetimestampThe UTC date/time this branded short link was last clicked onNow using lastClickAt property

Branded short links management

Here are some basic operations you can perform regarding Link resources:

Create a new branded short linkSee Creating a new link
Get branded short link detailsSee Getting link details
Access your branded short links collection
Search for a specific branded short link
See Listing your links
Change destination ur for a branded short link
Set a branded short link as favourite
See Updating a link
Delete a branded short linkSee Deleting a link
Get analytics on a branded short link's incoming trafficSee Getting link details