Populating a preset

After a preset is created, query parameters and associated values can be added to it. In order to associate a value to a parameter key you must know the parameted ID. To get a parameter key you can fetch parameters as described here.

Presets can be updated via:

  • POST HTTP request to /templates/{TEMPLATE_ID}/presets/{PRESET_ID}

Body properties

The table below shows the property that can be passed in the request body.

nameString- required - Min 1 chars - Max 64 charsA human-friendly name for the preset. You can repeat the one you choose in the creation step.
dataObject- required - Must contain only 1 property query of type ObjectThis contains the query object with all the parameters pairs. See below

Data object properties

data property of request body contains only 1 nested object called query. Inside this object there are the <key. value> pairs that are associated to a preset. An example of data object is:

"data": {
  "query": {
    "5a626ca23bbf42c4885ee9ca4925b547": ["fb", "tw"],
    "3918033b676f48d8b429b01cb047bf72": "campaign1",
    "93d6105a21594c73bb6b1d753357c1d0": "sms"

So, query object is composed as follows:

  • Object key must be a valid parameter ID choosen from yours parameters list
  • Value can be either String or Array<String> and is the parameter value that will be used when the preset is selected. If the value is an Array<String> like ["value1", "value2"] it will be URL-encoded like key=value1,value2

An example of a valid request is

$ curl 'https://templating.rebrandly.com/v1/url/querystring/templates/{TEMPLATE_ID}/presets/{PRESET_ID}' \
-H 'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'workspace: YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d \
	"name": "Marketing Campaign",
  "data": {
    "query": {
      "5a626ca23bbf42c4885ee9ca4925b547": ["fb", "tw"],
      "3918033b676f48d8b429b01cb047bf72": "campaign1",
      "93d6105a21594c73bb6b1d753357c1d0": "sms"

A 200 response for the request is

	"id": "f7cab93395bb43679a7fb4e95c79d31a",
	"name": "Marketing Capaign",
	"data": {
		"query": {
			"5a626ca23bbf42c4885ee9ca4925b547": [
				"fb", "tw"
			"3918033b676f48d8b429b01cb047bf72": [
			"93d6105a21594c73bb6b1d753357c1d0": "sms"