Any endpoint responding under URL
has the same Error format.
If the request is not correct, you will get 403 Forbidden
The JSON returned has 2 main propery:
: a String indicating the error code (e.g.InvalidFormat
: an Array of Object with at least one error that occurred during the request. Every array's object has the following properties:property
: a String indicating the body poperty that raise the errorconstraints
: an Object where key is a code for the constraint and the value is the description of the constraint
Below an exemple of errors during query parameter creation.
// 403 Forbidden
"code": "InvalidFormat",
"errors": [
"property": "label",
"constraints": {
"maxLength": "label must be shorter than or equal to 64 characters",
"isString": "label must be a string",
"isNotEmpty": "label should not be empty"
"property": "key",
"constraints": {
"maxLength": "key must be shorter than or equal to 32 characters",
"isString": "key must be a string",
"isNotEmpty": "key should not be empty"
"property": "format",
"constraints": {
"isIn": "format must be one of the following values: string,preset"
Updated 10 months ago
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