Getting query parameters

By default, there are five prefilled parameters you will find under your workspace's template: Source, Medium, Campaign, Term and Content.

Parameters in a workspace can be fetched via:

  • GET HTTP request to /templates/{TEMPLATE_ID}/params

and example of request is

$ curl '{TEMPLATE_ID}/params' \ -H 'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'workspace: YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID' \

A 200 response for this request is

[ { "id": "89e24bad4a37468d...", "format": "string", "options": [], "label": "Source", "placeholder": "e.g: Twitter, Facebook", "key": "utm_source", "extra": { "metadata": { "family": "utm" } } }, { "id": "cfea6d087da9481c...", "format": "string", "options": [], "label": "Campaign", "placeholder": "e.g: ACME-campaign", "key": "utm_campaign", "extra": { "metadata": { "family": "utm" } } }, { "id": "53026cacee0d4d12...", "format": "string", "options": [], "label": "Content", "placeholder": "e.g: text AD name", "key": "utm_content", "extra": { "metadata": { "family": "utm" } } }, { "id": "71f84c6c54094383...", "format": "string", "options": [], "label": "Medium", "placeholder": "e.g: cpc, banner, email", "key": "utm_medium", "extra": { "metadata": { "family": "utm" } } }, { "id": "9c58196ce4204eec...", "format": "string", "options": [], "label": "Term", "placeholder": "e.g: paid keywords", "key": "utm_term", "extra": { "metadata": { "family": "utm" } } } ]

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